
目前顯示的是 2月, 2025的文章

主日另三處敬拜 Three other places to worship on Sunday

主日另三處敬拜 Three other places to worship on Sunday 1. 同心居護理之家 Tongxinju Nursing Home  2. 清泉護理之家  Qingquan Nursing Home                                                                   3. 游媽媽家 Yo mama's home

感謝顧約翰弟兄及張耀國弟兄線上講道 Thanks to Bro. John Grubb and Bro. Zhang Yaoguo for their online sermons

 本月份兩位弟兄在主日從美國在線上向台中教會講道 This month (February), two brothers preached online to the Taichung Church of Christ from the United States on Sundays .

週五下午的查經 Bible Study on Friday Afternoon


週二查經和週三聚會 Tuesday Bible Study and Wednesday Gathering

週二查經 Bible Study on Tuesday 週三護理之家聚會 Nursing Home gathering on Wednesday

新加坡五位弟兄姊妹們來訪 Five brethren from Singapore visited us


歐約翰弟兄在台中的佈道會 Gospel Meeting by Tommy Alford in Taichung

美國歐約翰弟兄來台中佈道三天 (二月七到九日) Brother Tommy from the U. S. came to Taichung to preach for three days (Feb 2-9)  

農曆新年期間的團契 Fellowships During Chinese New Year

農曆過年期間,台灣及新加坡教會弟兄姊妹們的團契。 During the Lunar New Year, brethren get together in Taiwan and Singapore. 哈巴谷書  3:18     然而,我要因耶和華歡欣,因救我的神喜樂。 哈巴谷書  3:19     主耶和華是我的力量;他使我的腳快如母鹿的蹄, 又使我穩行在高處 。 Hab 3:18     Yet I will exult in the LORD, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation. Hab 3:19     The Lord GOD is my strength, And He has made my feet like hinds'  feet,  And makes me walk on my high places.