
Showing posts from 2020

Weekly Bible Study

每週查經課   John 5:39   King James Version (KJV) 39  Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. 約 翰 福 音 5:39   Chinese Union Version (Traditional) (CUV) 39  你 們 查 考 聖 經 ( 或 作 : 應 當 查 考 聖 經 ) , 因 你 們 以 為 內 中 有 永 生 ; 給 我 作 見 證 的 就 是 這 經 。

Fellowship At Home

家庭聚會 1 Timothy 3:5   King James Version (KJV) 5  (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) 提 摩 太 前 書 3:5   Chinese Union Version (Traditional) (CUV) 5  人 若 不 知 道 管 理 自 己 的 家 , 焉 能 照 管 神 的 教 會 呢 ?  

Sunday Fellowship Meal

主日愛筵聚餐 Ecclesiastes 5:18   King James Version (KJV) 18  Behold that which I have seen: it is good and comely for one to eat and to drink, and to enjoy the good of all his labour that he taketh under the sun all the days of his life, which God giveth him: for it is his portion. 傳 道 書 5:18   Chinese Union Version (Traditional) (CUV) 18  我 所 見 為 善 為 美 的 , 就 是 人 在 神 賜 他 一 生 的 日 子 吃 喝 , 享 受 日 光 之 下 勞 碌 得 來 的 好 處 , 因 為 這 是 他 的 分 。  

Bro. John Yo Preached To Malaysian Brethren On Zoom

游弟兄用Zoom向馬來西亞教會主日講道 1 Peter 4:11   King James Version (KJV) 11  If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. 彼 得 前 書 4:11   Chinese Union Version (Traditional) (CUV) 11  若 有 講 道 的 , 要 按 著 神 的 聖 言 講 ; 若 有 服 事 人 的 , 要 按 著 神 所 賜 的 力 量 服 事 , 叫 神 在 凡 事 上 因 耶 穌 基 督 得 榮 耀 。 原 來 榮 耀 、 權 能 都 是 他 的 , 直 到 永 永 遠 遠 。 阿 們 !  

Sunday Services at Two Nursing Homes

主日在兩所安養中心的服事 James 2:26   King James Version (KJV) 26  For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. 雅 各 書 2:26   Chinese Union Version (Traditional) (CUV) 26  身 體 沒 有 靈 魂 是 死 的 , 信 心 沒 有 行 為 也 是 死 的 。  

Five Brothers' Services On the Lord's Day

主日五位弟兄們的事奉 Galatians 5:13   King James Version (KJV) 13  For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. 加 拉 太 書 5:13   Chinese Union Version (Traditional) (CUV) 13  弟 兄 們 , 你 們 蒙 召 是 要 得 自 由 , 只 是 不 可 將 你 們 的 自 由 當 作 放 縱 情 慾 的 機 會 , 總 要 用 愛 心 互 相 服 事 。  

Sunday Worship At Tung Hsin Chu Nursing Home

每主日在同心居安養中心的敬拜聚會 We worship and gather on Sundays at  Tung Hsin Chu Nursing Home.   

Three Brethren Were Baptized

三位弟兄姊妹10月18日受浸 Three brethren were baptized on October 18th.  Psalm 13:5   King James Version (KJV) 5  But I have trusted in thy mercy; my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation. 詩 篇 13:5   Chinese Union Version (Traditional) (CUV) 5  但 我 倚 靠 你 的 慈 愛 ; 我 的 心 因 你 的 救 恩 快 樂。

Worship At Ching Chyuan Nursing Home

每主日下午13:45~14:30 在清泉醫院附設護理之家與兩位阿嬤敬拜聚會 Each Sunday at 13:45-14:30, we worship with two elderly women at Ching-chyuan Nursing Home. 

Fellowship Meal

Philippians 2:1   King James Version (KJV) 2  If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies, 腓 立 比 書 2:1   Chinese Union Version (Traditional) (CUV) 2  所 以 , 在 基 督 裡 若 有 甚 麼 勸 勉 , 愛 心 有 甚 麼 安 慰 , 聖 靈 有 甚 麼 交 通 , 心 中 有 甚 麼 慈 悲 憐 憫 ,

Bro. Liao Xian Zhi Was Baptized At Home

廖憲治弟兄9月4日在家受浸 Mark 16:16   King James Version (KJV) 16  He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. 馬可福音 16:16   Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional) (CUVMPT) 16  信而受洗的必然得救,不信的必被定罪。

The Memorial Service For Wu Qun Yang

伍群養奶奶的告別會 The memorial service for an elder Wu Qun Yang.

Ben Yo's Study In Arts Management

游主業弟兄返回新加坡,就讀藝術管理科系。 Brother Ben Yo went back to Singapore, studying the department of Arts Management.



Home Bible Study


Fellowship Meal


An African Brother Visited Us


Ben Yo's Virtual Exhibitions

游主業弟兄回新加坡前,在台灣的兩場虛擬畫展的演出。 Before brother Ben Yo going back to Singapore, he had two virtual exhibitions in Taiwan. 

Two Nursing Homes Resumed Physical Gatherings

兩個老人院恢復每主日及每週四的實體聚會。 Two nursing homes resumed physical gatherings every Sunday and Thursday.  Galatians 4:10   King James Version (KJV) 10  Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years. 加 拉 太 書 4:10   Chinese Union Version (Traditional) (CUV) 10  你 們 謹 守 日 子 、 月 分 、 節 期 、 年 分 。

The Memorial Service in Hualien

游弟兄赴花蓮幫忙劉小萍姐妹的先生追思會 Brother John Yo went to Hualien helping the memorial service of sister Liu Xiao Ping's husband.

Bible Classes at Nursing Home Go Online

游弟兄週四下午用視訊向護理之家講道聚會。 In the afternoon on Thursdays, brother John Yo teaches Bible class via the internet to the nursing home.

Children's Panting Class and Brothers’ Bible Study on Thursdays

週四早上在教堂有主業弟兄教兒童畫畫及弟兄們有查經班聚會 In Thursday mornings, Bro. Ben Yo teaches children painting and brothers have Bible study meeting.

Sunday Bible Study and Worship amid Covid-19

疫情期間~主日的查經敬拜聚會 Job 19:25   King James Version (KJV) 25  For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: 約伯記 19:25   Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional) (CUVMPT) 25  我知道我的救贖主活著,末了必站立在地上。

Ben Yo's Exhibition "Three Generations" in Taichung City of Taiwan
