
Showing posts from June, 2020

The Memorial Service in Hualien

游弟兄赴花蓮幫忙劉小萍姐妹的先生追思會 Brother John Yo went to Hualien helping the memorial service of sister Liu Xiao Ping's husband.

Bible Classes at Nursing Home Go Online

游弟兄週四下午用視訊向護理之家講道聚會。 In the afternoon on Thursdays, brother John Yo teaches Bible class via the internet to the nursing home.

Children's Panting Class and Brothers’ Bible Study on Thursdays

週四早上在教堂有主業弟兄教兒童畫畫及弟兄們有查經班聚會 In Thursday mornings, Bro. Ben Yo teaches children painting and brothers have Bible study meeting.