
Showing posts from August, 2012

Pot luck


Oct. Seminar, Nov. Lectureship & Dec. Gospel Meeting


Fellowship & Family Reunion


Bro. Jared and Bro. Ben teach "What is Love?"


Benedict Yo: Sermon on Jesus

From:    MILLICAN MISSION This is from Benedict Yo who is the son of John Yo, the preacher in Taiwan.  At sixteen he is already a great preacher and a strong Christian.  This is the lesson he preached. John 14:6 Draw three symbols: the road, the book, and the heart Intro:   I don't want everyone to know the topic yet. By these three symbols, I know at the end all the brothers and sisters will know my topic for today. What I want to say is that Christians often feel like they are satisfied with the Word of God. However, if you already are paralyzed with this kind of "feel-good-with-what-you-already-know-about-the-Bible", then you are in big trouble. If one day a non-Christian ask you "Who is Jesus? Is He a man or God? Can you show me the evidence? I thought... You guys have a kind of book isn't it? Can you show me?"   What will you do? Well, you think you know something in the Bible but you can see that we always need more so that ...

Monday Evening Community English Class


Cottage Meeting
