
Showing posts from March, 2010

2010 March Two Genders Education

We teach the children in elementary school about two genders' issues! How to protect ourselves! A student's comment: "Teachers teach us how to protect us in a relaxing and fun way, which helps me a lot!" "Thank teacher, teacher's son and his classmate teaching me this, I feel so happy!"

2010 March 20 A wedding

A new Couple in church!  :-) 蕭長青& 廖怡宣 (Xiao Chang Qing and Liao Yi Xuan)

2010 March 18 Pray for a sick brother

Please pray for our brother  龍鵬遠 (Long Peng Yuan) !

2010 March 12 Bible Class in a junior high school

John and Ben are teaching Bible Verses in a nearby junior high school. The course takes 11 weeks (11 hours), we hope to help students solve their problems with the wisdom of Bible! Nowadays students go to cram schools (Buxiban) after regular schools,  they don't have enough "spiritual manna"! 

2010 March Taiwan's Temples

There are so many temples in Taiwan NOT worshiping the only true God, we have to preach Gospel MORE! Proverb 22:6 [kjv]  Train up a child in the way he should go:  and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

2010 March 10 Interaction with locals

Talk with locals after worship at home Hold the 100-year-old Jian Jin lady's hand in Tung Shin Jiu Nursing Center

2010 March 10 Talk to the City councilor and heads of neighborhoods

To see if anything the Church can help with the politicians

2010 March Tuesday Evenings: Father School
