
Showing posts from November, 2009

An invitation: 2009 Dec. 11-13 Gospel by Brother John Grubb

:) :) :) :) Welcome to enjoy the Gospel! Topic: Church in the Bible Dec. 11 (Fri.) 19:30 The Name of Church Dec. 12 (Sat. ) 19:30 The Worship of Church Dec. 13 (Sun. ) 09:30 The perspectives of the millennium 10:30 Christians' attitude to Church

2009 Oct. 30 - Nov. 1 Gospel of Brother Alford Tommy

Topic: What is the Truth? Oct. 30 (Fri.) 19:30 Who is Jesus? Oct. 31 (Sat.) 19:30 Endurance Nov. 1 (Sun.) 9:30 People who believe Jesus is the son of God will prevail over the World 10:30 Christ's Cross

2009 Nov. 21 Community Opera

We had a community opera to touch some community people. Our community opera is about culture inheritance. Like I have to tell my son the story of this place, and he will tell this story to his son and so on and on...

Taichung Bible Seminar On Nov. 13-15

Topic:   And knowest his will, and approves the things that are more excellent, being instructed out of the law. (Romans 2:18)   November 13 (Friday) 19:30 Preacher Yong Xiong Wang: Jeremiah 28:1-17 November 14 (Sat.) 9:30 Preacher Yong Xiong Wang: Is the teaching "Original  Sin" right? 10:45 Preacher Xiu Liang Zhao: What are the differences between denominational and Lord's Churches 14:00 Preacher Xiu Liang Zhao: Spiritual or Right explanation of verses 19:30 Preacher Jedediah Yuan: The function of the Old Testament November 15 (Sun.) 9:30 Preacher Jedediah Yuan: The Purpose of Miracles 10:45 Preacher John Yo: Apostles' and gentile Cornelius' immersion of Holy Spirits 14:00 Preacher John Yo: Tongue Speaking, Prophecy, Sight, Healing, Casting out evil spirits Check more on: *Joyce's Record: Taichung Bible Senimar *Tasha's Record: Joyce and I Go to Taichung for the 2009 Bible Lectureshi...