
三位新加坡弟兄姊妹來訪 Three brethren from Singapore visited us

三位新加坡弟兄姊妹來訪。 Three brethren from Singapore visited us.   

保養顧惜婚姻 Nourish and Cherish Marriage (Eph 5:29)

一個家庭如果快樂,那是最快樂的事;一個家庭如果痛苦,那是最痛苦的事。所以我們都有責任,平時就需花時間保養顧惜自己的婚姻 (弗5:29):正像基督待教會一樣。 If a family is happy, it is the greatest joy; if a family is suffering, it is the deepest pain. Therefore, we all have a responsibility to invest time in nurturing and cherishing our marriages in our daily lives (Ephesians 5:29), just as Christ does for the church.  

每週五下午和堂叔查經 Bible Study with uncle on Friday afternoon

每週五下午15:30~16:30到堂叔的家與他查經。 Every Friday from 15:30 to 16:30 p.m., John Yo goes to his uncle's house to study the scriptures with him.  

認識神帶來跨代蒙福 Knowing God brings intergenerational blessings

兒女是耶和華所賜的產業(詩127:3)。 children  are  an heritage of the LORD (Psa 127:3). 願你得見你兒女的兒女(詩128:6)。 thou shalt see thy children's children (Psa 128:6).

講道:生來瞎眼得醫治 Preaching: Heals a Man Born Blind (John 9)

「趁著白日,必須做工」(約翰福音 9:4)。 " must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day" (John 9:4). 1. 門徒關心研究 Disciples care and study 2. 法利賽人關心規條(舊約) Pharisees care about keeping the law (OT) 3. 父母看重(被人)認同 Parents value being recognised by men 4. 耶穌焦點:父的心 Jesus' focus: Father's heart / will 5. 被主醫好的人見證光 Men who are healed by Jesus the Lord witness the Light

主日另三處敬拜 Three other places to worship on Sunday

主日另三處敬拜 Three other places to worship on Sunday 1. 同心居護理之家 Tongxinju Nursing Home  2. 清泉護理之家  Qingquan Nursing Home                                                                   3. 游媽媽家 Yo mama's home